Report a Campus Access Barrier

The University is committed to ensuring accessibility for individuals with disabilities (including students, faculty, other academic appointees, staff, postdoctoral researchers, and visitors) in accordance to the requirements set forth in applicable state and federal laws.

 If you have an urgent facilities services request (e.g., inoperable wheelchair lift), you may call 4.1414 (campus phone) or 773.834.1414 (all other phones).

Please fill out this form to report a campus access barrier to the University of Chicago, or

  • For physical access barriers: contact Facilities Services by email or by calling at 4.1414 (campus phone) or 773.834.1414 (all other phones);
  • For disability-related barriers to digital access: contact the Center for Digital Accessibility.
Report a Campus Access Barrier
Affiliation *
Is the barrier at your workplace?
Describe the accessibility barrier *
Select type of technological barrier
Is this your initial report of the barrier? *

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