Prevention Initiatives and Programs

Prevention Initiatives and Programs

The mission of Prevention Initiatives and Programming at the University of Chicago is to promote healthy gender relations through dialogue and education, and to work towards the elimination of sexual and relationship violence. The scope of issues these prevention initiatives and programming address is quite broad, ranging from healthy relationships (including communication and sexual decision-making), bystander intervention, and the prevention and awareness of sexual assault, stalking, and relationship violence.

Prevention Initiatives and Programming provides the campus community with a wide range of informative and helpful programming aimed at combatting sexual and relationship violence. To this end, the Office disseminates information about policies and resources, hosts interactive, educational workshops and activities, and collaborates with like-missioned student groups. The Office trains students from all degree programs and divisions with the skills they need to become effective peer educators through the Resources for Sexual Violence Prevention (RSVP) Programming Center.


Bystander Intervention

Awareness Months

Campus Engagement

Prevention Initiatives FAQs