Bridget Collier
Associate Provost for Equal Opportunity Programs
Title IX Coordinator for the University
Section 504/ADA Coordinator for the University
Bridget is responsible for coordinating University-wide compliance with the University’s Policy on Harassment, Discrimination, and Sexual Misconduct, and oversees all investigations conducted pursuant to that Policy (including Title IX investigations) and support, resources and programming for the University’s military-affiliated community. She oversees the University’s efforts to comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. She also oversees the University’s outreach to veterans and individuals with disabilities.
Bridget joined the University of Chicago in May of 2015 as Dean of Students and Senior Director of Student Engagement at the Graham School, where she provided innovative and strategic leadership for a variety of programs in service to students. Bridget brings over sixteen years of higher education administrative experience in program improvement, crisis response and student development, and holds a master’s in education and student affairs administration and a doctorate in education and higher education administration from the University of Southern California. Bridget is also the founder and chair of the Chicagoland Title IX Consortium, an organization consisting of over 40 higher education institutions, seeking to enhance knowledge, understanding and application of Title IX policies and resources to further gender parity and reduce sexual misconduct.